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Medicopin.com is an international medical services provider offering superior healthcare assistance to individuals, virtually, anywhere in the world.

We believe that access to latest medical information is paramount in healthcare therefore we strive to make preventative care, cutting-edge treatments and expert opinions accessible worldwide.

Medicopin.com unites most advanced medicine and the best-of-breed information technologies under modern management principles, with the sole purpose of raising the quality of life and providing peace of mind everyone deserves.

• User friendly interface
• HIPAA  (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ) compliant encrypted server
• Encrypted SSLVNP tunnel during uploads.
• Encrypted e-mail service.
• No special software required
• Built in time and measurement converters
• 2 or 4 divided screens to easy review.
• 24/7 support team

Do any of the following situations sound familiar?
• Have you received a diagnosis already but seeking a second opinion?
• Are you having trouble deciding between different treatment options?
• Do you prefer to have a final assessment before undergoing a major procedure, such as surgery?
• Do you need a general check-up or want your current health situation revised?

When you or a loved one is faced with a serious health problem; the most important thing is receiving the right diagnosis and following the best possible course of treatment. The best way of finding out the correct course of treatment is to compare various doctors` opinions.

Get reliable medical opinion from world- leading US Doctors.
Medicopin.com's privileged members have reliable medical advice at their fingertips, without the hassle of travel or postage.

Our world-renowned and highly sought after doctors are specialized in their respective fields to offer their patients customized care which includes the most-advanced diagnostic methods and treatments.

Medical Evaluations and recommendations are relayed to patients via personalized video recording or videoconference call by our doctors through our highly secure website. All video sessions are recorded and can be accessed anytime for your own review.

As a well-respected company with extensive experience in health care, we combine our impressive list of physicians with a keen understanding of the psychological needs of patients. Our customers revel in the comfort and confidence that their information will always remain private and secure.


Fast and easy application
Neither travel nor postage required
Simultaneous Translation Services
A to Z online solutions accessible anywhere
State of art features
Built-in time and measurement converter prevent any misunderstanding
Recorded video evaluation OR videoconference with your doctor
24*7 technical support
Dedicated Case Manager
Detailed information with reliable tutorials regarding the recommended medicines, lab tests and health problem.